Team GTRC will be offline from the 22nd of March until Sunday the 30th of March . All messages and orders will be responded to Sunday 30th March.

About Us

Team GTRC is a family, literally! Introducing Lee and Jo, the brains and the brawn behind GTRC, and George (also known as #TinyOverlord), the inspiration. Lee has been racing RC cars since he discovered he had opposable thumbs, moving on from the type you charge for 8 hours to get approximately 3 minutes of play to the big leagues of LiPo over ten years ago.

A passionate racer, Lee is a member of the Christchurch Indoor Remote Control Car Club (CIRCCC) where you'll find him most meets racing, marshaling or helping out others whilst spinning a yarn. He's tried nearly every type of car there is, racing 5th scale trucks on clay, short course trucks on clay and carpet, truggies, buggies and even scale big-rigs. It's a running joke in the family that if it has four wheels Lee's there (there was another joke told at Lee and Jo's wedding that involved tires, if you want to know that one best ask Lee).

Jo, sick of being at home alone on weekends, started to tag along to the various events and having a go herself. Racing didn't really catch her however, and someone had to chase #TinyOverlord around the sidelines. Then Lee got interested in the world of Rock Crawling, and Jo found her "thing". Still very much a beginner, arguably one of the most appealing aspects of crawling is all the different locations they get to explore as a family. Packing a picnic and heading off into the wilderness, sometimes with Ninja the Pug in tow, makes for a great day out!

George, whilst not quite born with a remote controller in hand, has always wanted to be right where dad is, helping and learning. He has a list as long as dad's arm of trucks he wants, vying for top place at the moment are a Bronco and a Stadium Truck.

Like many families, the Lockdown of 2020 forced us to really re-evaluate our priorities and how we spend time as a family. We vowed that when we could, we would be outside together, exploring and having fun. We also realised that many of our friends were feeling the exact same way, and looking for something fun they could all do together and enjoy. Thus GTRC was born, to help both people serious about crawling, bashing or racing, and families wanting to do the same.