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Mr GTRC's SCX24 build

We're all well familiar with the upgradability of the 1/10th scale RC. Parts and upgrade bits are many and readily available, and you-tube is full of how-to's. This can leave you yearning for something a bit...out of the ordinary. Enter the 1/10th's scale smaller cousin, the 1/24th scale, or more specifically, Axial's SCX24. Right from the get-go, the price point on the SCX24 makes it more accessible than some of it's larger cousins, but....well what can you actually expect from it? Mr GTRC explains below.


Out of the box thoughts

This is a really fun little truck, it's ideal to make your own course in the backyard or around the lounge - the pot plants are a bit safer with this than it's larger family members. There's not a lot of "faffing" required, you can get it out, get the batteries charged and everyone can have a go. It's not so intimidating that littler kids are put off, and yet is still so obviously a technical machine that will keep the bigger kids happy perfecting their driving technique.


First thing to upgrade

SCX24 with Beadlock rimsThe wheels and tyres were first on the hit-list for our truck. Mr GTRC went with the red beadlocks with the optional scale bolt set and the Super Swampers. The beadlocks not only look awesome (and crazy detailed) but they also add a bit of weight, necessary to keep the truck stable when going off road. The Super Swampers have a really impressive tread pattern which proved quite grippy scrambling up banks.


Further upgrades

Once our Chevy had new shoes, next on the hit-list was some more weight in the form of Brass Steering Knuckles and Brass Diff Covers. This provides some much needed stability as well as helping with traction when heading up hills.

Next to say goodbye were the standard plastic chassis links and hello to the Aluminum set to provide a bit more strength in the chassis (and Mr GTRC is a bit of a magpie, loves that shiny stuff!). More plastic to leave was the stock Steering Link set, replaced with a colour-coordinated red Aluminum Steering link set. All aiming to strengthen the chassis and stabilise the handling.

SXC24 with upgraded steering rod

The standard steering servo also got canned in favour of the EMax Servo. This one is stronger than the factory one, giving a bit more power in the steering. Following the same path was the factory gearbox mount, making way for a red Aluminum mount. No real reason for this one other than it looks cool!SCX24 upgraded rods

The shocks were shocked to also meet an abrupt end, replaced by some new 32mm Shock Absorbers. Mr GTRC opted for the softer of the springs aiming for better articulation.

No ute is complete without a set of sand-ladders (or Recovery ramps).

For those who know Mr GTRC, the fact that he then insisted on removing the original plastic (fake) light bar and installing some actual LED lights shouldn't surprise you. This man loves his neons. I have to admit though, these lights are really cool with Hella light covers that you can take off and clip back on again. Also kind of handy when I (Mrs GTRC) accidentally lost this thing in a pile of pine needles.


What worked well?

Mr GTRC - The wheels and tyres are definitely keepers, they look the part and perform really well. I also really like the brass upgrades, really did help out with stability and handling when going for a crawl. The shocks on the soft spring really did the trick as well. 

What didn't?

Mr GTRC - Everything came together really well on this build, the only thing I would say is take the Hella light caps off before giving the remote to the #Tinyoverlord as he has a tendency to roll it down banks, the lights handle this fine but the caps popped off and caused a bit of a search in the pine needles.

What next?

Mr GTRC - I might try out the upgrade motor on this next, the factory one has plenty of power for what we do with it however can you ever really have enough? I'm also quite keen to do a hard-body conversion on this - if this goes ahead watch this space as it will turn into a blog post.

Final thoughts

This truck is awesome straight out of the box, the upgrades definitely helped with how we want to drive it. A lot of the fun was in the build itself as well, these are fun little trucks to work on. 

 Upgraded SCX24


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